/  » Land Based Casinos  » California  » 19th Hole
Name: 19th Hole State: California
City: Antioch, CA Address: 2746 W Tregallas Rd, Antioch, CA 94509
Phone: 925-757-6545 Website: 19thholeantioch.com
GD Star Rating
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19th Hole
Antioch, CA
2746 W Tregallas Rd, Antioch, CA 94509
GD Star Rating

19th Hole Information

Situated near downtown Antioch, CA, the 19th Hole is a gaming establishment-cum-hangout place that features poker games every night. Usually, poker game nights start at 5:30 PM. The 19th Hole typically has a 21st Century Blackjack table near the bar. This gaming establishment features a poker room exclusively used for card games. Apart from the establishment’s main entrance, the room sports its own door. It also has several wide windows that can be shaded so it’s not as dim as the bar itself. For its patron’s further enjoyment, there are four rather large televisions hung on the walls so everybody can see and enjoy the games.

Choose your game

Games played at 19th Hole are mainly Limit Hold ‘Em, Blinds and Rake. The main gaming table has its own shuffle-master machine. The remaining two tables are manually shuffled by a dealer. The gaming establishment also features poker tournaments and jackpot promotions. There’s also one extra gaming table used for special gaming events like the weekly tournaments. A regularly updated events calendar is posted on its website.

As for food services, the establishment offers an assortment of bar food and liquor. Every 30 minutes or so, a waiter or someone from the bar roams around to ask patrons if they want refills or put in another order. For guests who want to unwind, there’s also a shopping center nearby. Parking isn’t a problem in this area, thanks to the shopping center.

19th Hole, 8.8 out of 10 based on 78 ratings