- Code:
- NH
- Capital:
- Concord
- Size:
- 9,304 sq mi
- Website:
- nh.gov
- Casinos:
- 7

Are You on the Look Out for 100% Safe and secured Casinos in New Hampshire?
Where to gamble if you’re in New Hampshire As you may or may not be aware, there aren’t a great deal of gambling options for those people living in (or visiting) the state of New Hampshire. There may be a few charitable gaming institutions as well as pari-mutuel and various types of lotteries, but there isn’t the option for people to enjoy New Hampshire casinos or racinos. However, don’t panic! There are a variety of options for those of you who are in New Hampshire, wishing desperately to dabble in your favorite casino games.
The first option is to go to one of the neighboring states like Maine or Massachusetts to see what they have to offer. Both these states, for example, offer a wide variety of land based gambling options, including great casino resorts which mean you can travel via bus/train/car and stay the night if the journey was a little tiring. Whatever type of gambling you wish to participate in, there are options in both of these states. Next, you can opt to gamble at an online casino or online betting site. Even though many types of gambling may be illegal in the state of New Hampshire, there are still many legal and 100% secured online gambling establishments with which many residents can fulfill all their gaming wants and needs. Although online gaming means staying in, rather than going out to the strip, there are various pros for gambling in the virtual world.
For instance, there is something quite satisfying about being able to turn on your computer and tap straight into your chosen online gambling site, without having to spend a single dime on transport. You can literally enjoy all the best games from whichever room of your home you feel most comfortable. As with any website though, make sure that you are careful when you visit these online gambling sites. Do your research to ensure that the site in question has good reviews and can be trusted as a reputable online establishment. When you are sure of this, check for licensing and then, of course, check that all your favorite gaming options are offered!
If you are in new Hampshire and are looking for legal, 100% safe and regulated gambling options then we have a whole list of options for you to choose from. However, before you do go ahead and choose from this list, be sure to learn a little about the history and the regulations that govern casinos in New Hampshire.
History of Gambling – New Hampshire Casinos
There are two things about New Hampshire gambling that everyone should be aware about. One of them is the race tracks, which raked in may a gambler for over a century. However, today, this is not a part of the gambling avenues that North Hampshire provides, there are many other options available.
The lottery is big in New Hampshire, it may not have been the inventor of the lottery, but it can be attributed with the creation of state administered and legal lottery games in 1964.
So, if you are indeed looking for casinos in New Hampshire, you have a long list to choose from. Here you will find a list of New Hampshire casinos that you can play at and even win big with amazing payouts. Of course you will have to decide, which casino is the best for you, depending on where you are located and how much you wish to travel around the state.
Be sure to learn about the regulations in the state as well before you start playing in New Hampshire casinos. This will help you play under legal guidelines and then you will not have a thing to worry about. So, go ahead and choose from a list that can make your pocket swell. Legal, 100% safe and absolutely secured is what is up on offer at the casinos in New Hampshire all the time, and all around the year for your pleasure.
New Hampshire Casinos offer legal, secured and 100% safe gambling opportunities.
New Hampshire Gambling Laws
Although New Hampshire was the very first state to legalize a state lottery, commercial and tribal casino can not be found here. Most of their gambling laws revolve around charity – there is no provision at all for games to be played outside the charitable context.
Charitable Gaming
There are only a few places in Granite State where casino games like craps, roulette or poker are allowed under their charitable gaming laws. One example is Ocean Gaming, where a percentage of their proceeds are given to different charitable institutions. One outfit, the Lakes Region Casino, has also found a way to stay within the bounds of the state’s gambling laws by offering merchandise instead of cash for winners.
Live Poker and Online Poker
Playing live poker is legal but only under charitable gambling laws. It includes poker tournaments that are held at racetracks and bingo halls. Although social poker gaming at home is prohibited, there have been no reports of anybody being prosecuted. The last attempt to legalize online poker was made in 2014, but the bill was not passed, so, online poker is still illegal here.
Sports Betting
Pari-mutuel betting has been the first major type of betting that was legalized in New Hampshire in 1933. It was exclusive to betting on greyhound and horse racing and thrived for many years but came to a halt in 2013, when both types of racing were stopped. However, there is still an option for gamblers to bet on Simulcast races (races held in other states). They are allowed to place wagers on these games, as long as pari-mutuel rules are applied. Minimum age to play must be 21.
New Hampshire is the first state to have had the State lottery legalized since 1964. Multi-state and New England games are also allowed here. Most part of the revenue from these games (approximately $200 million every year) goes to state schools. Players’ age should be 18+.
Online Casino
Like in many other states, there is currently no statute that specifically mentions the legalization of online gaming. However, there is also no regulation that says online gambling is illegal.
Bingo, Keno and Raffle Games
All these games in New Hampshire are also legal as long as it they are played for charitable purposes. They are controlled and regulated by the State. Minimum age to play must be 18.
The funny thing is that New Hampshire, despite all the forbidding laws, allows people to possess some gambling device that is already over 25 years old and not used for gambling. If you are the lucky owner you can use it for fun or your other purposes, but you can’t say about this device to anyone. Nevertheless, with all these restrictions, Granite State has a good chance to work out the online poker regulation and make most of the gambling games legal in the state.