- Code:
- SD
- Capital:
- Pierre
- Size:
- 77,116 sq mi
- Website:
- sd.gov
- Casinos:
- 7

Take full advantage of the secured casinos in South Dakota
If you know anything about gambling in the United States, then you’ll be aware of the fact that South Dakota has a wide variety of gaming options for residents and visitors to make the most of.
Make your way to the city of Deadwood, and you’ll find all the gambling options you could possibly need. Unfortunately, Deadwood and the whole state of South Dakota boasts all kinds of gaming facilities except for race tracks.
The great thing about the many casino options in South Dakota is the fact that people can come from far and wide to game, as many of the establishments offer brilliant hotels for guests to lay their heads when the gaming has got a little too tiring. Even if you reside in South Dakota, everyone loves a gambling weekend away!
Something that’s really important to understand, when speaking of South Dakota casinos, is the fact that the establishments need to heighten the amount of winners at their casinos in order to maximize their profits. If there were no winners, then the casinos simply wouldn’t last which is why you’ll find loads of great promotional offers as well as other features to help players win big so they keep coming back for more!
Before gaming in South Dakota though, there are a couple of things you should do to make sure that you are maximizing your chances of winning big. First of all, it’s an idea before playing at any casino to get to know the rules of the various games offered. You can read up online or in books to familiarize yourself with the variety of casino games that you’ll be seeing in Deadwood. Once you’ve done your research and have got yourself down to one of your preferred establishments, the time will come to play for real money. We would offer you a few words of advice at this point—don’t wager too high until you are really comfortable with the game and know what you are doing.
Bear these things in mind and you’ll be enjoying an unforgettable gambling experience in the state of South Dakota!
South Dakota Gambling Laws
For those who have plans of visiting South Dakota for a bit of gambling, there are plenty options. However, despite more freedom in the state compared to the other states, you can enjoy games’ diversity in the licensed establishments only. Penalties for offenders are much stricter here than in other US states.
Commercial casinos in South Dakota are allowed only in the city of Deadwood. There are 3 of them offering a limited number of card games (blackjack, poker) and slots. Tin Lizzie Gaming Resort and Cadillac Jack’s Gaming Resort are among the most famous ones. Tribal casinos got their start in this state in 1993, and there are now 9 large tribal ones (Royal River Casino and the Dakota Sioux Casino are among them), which offer slots, poker and blackjack, as well as high-stakes bingo. Legal gambling age in casinos is 21.
Pari-Mutuel Betting
Pari-mutuel horse and dog race betting is available offtrack and ontrack, you can remotely bet on them from 4 venues. Simulcast wagering on greyhound and horse races is available at Time Out Lounge in Rapid City and Triple Crown Casino in North Sioux. Live horse races are held at the Stanley County Fairgrounds and the Brown County Fairgrounds. However, there are no existing race tracks in the state: the last greyhound track was closed in 1994 (Sodrac Greyhound Park) and the last horse race track was closed in 1982 (Park Jefferson). Minimum age to bet on these races is 18.
South Dakota has its state-run lottery that was legalized in 1987. Currently it offers 5 Lotto games, Wild Card 2, Dakota Cash, Hot Lotto, Mega Millions, Powerball, as well as Video Lottery (VLTs) and over 30 instant scratch games. According to the law, a minimum of 50% of the lottery ticket revenue must be returned to players – in the form of prizes. Minimum age to join the lottery is 18.
Charitable Gambling
Bingo and the lotteries are the charitable games allowed in this state. They are regulated by South Dakota Charitable Gaming Law and can be conducted only by tax-exempt charitable organizations for charity purposes. The maximum value of a bingo prize is $2,000. It’s interesting, but charitable organizations are not required to be licensed to operate charitable games in South Dacota, they only have to provide the local authority where the event to be conducted 30 days before it. The legal age for those who want to participate is above 18 years.
Online Gambling
The state is very protective of the land-based casinos because they bring a good revenue, and that is why the online casino is illegal within the state. But, any player from South Dakota can legally play at any US-based online casino located outside the state.
Poker games are legal in tribal and commercial casinos. As for the social (home) poker games, they are not allowed in South Dakota, though, there are no historical notes of busts for participating in the small stakes local games. Online poker is illegal as well.