General Information
1. Collection of Personal Data
1.1. / users are required to provide some personal information (name and email address) upon registration and using our website.
1.2. Those who do not wish to supply this data are free to browse the website anonymously, but will not have access to certain features.
1.3. No information from any user is sold or re-distributed to the third parties.
1.4. / has the right to store its users’ information in our databases.
1.5. Users who do not wish to maintain an account on / can easily unsubscribe from our services and newsletter at any time.
2. Distribution of Information
2.1. At /, we do not pass on information for personal gain; however, users’ data may be securely used for:
- research performing;
- service improving;
- customer service upgrading;
- informing users about updates, policy changes, violations, user queries;
- custom advertisements;
- reporting for some clients.
3. Disclosure
3.1. Users’ personal information is only shared when permission is granted, unless the following occurs:
- Information is requested by court order.
- To customize advertisements, individual users see when they log onto the website.
- If / ever merges with another company or is bought by another organization.
- Under strict confidentiality agreements with no rights for the further distribution, some info may be shared with the 3rd parties.
3.2. Any customer’s personal information sharing will not happen without an email notice.
4. Cookies Policy
4.1. / uses cookies for the following reasons:
- Allowing user’s computer to remember login and personal preferences.
- Providing users with faster navigation between pages.
- Improving user-specified advertisements.
- Increasing overall user experience.
4.2. / uses 1st and 3rd party cookies, which only pick up user’s IP address and web browser statistics. We never gather other personal information, using cookies, without user’s permission.
4.3. Users do have the option to disable cookies, while browsing our website, by going to their browser settings.
4.4. Other websites are unable to view our cookies.
5. Security & Confidentiality
5.1. At /, we do provide ironclad security and privacy by following the below measures:
- All personal information is limited to those employed by / and can only be accessed if it is needed to resolve a user problem or to fulfill responsibilities of the company.
- Users’ account information is password-protected by their custom password and security questions.
- Information provided is protected using safeguards that are legally required.
- Personal information is protected from loss, misuse, and alteration by utilizing effective security measures in our physical IT facilities.
6. Child Privacy
6.1. Users who are not of legal gambling age are prohibited from using / services. Read our Terms of Use before appealing to our website.
7. Policy Change
7.1. At /, we have the right to update our privacy policy at any time. Users will be notified of any changes made and are required to keep up to date with any modifications.