Many craps players put all their faith on luck and the unknown tactics for winning the game. In fact, your luck and any strategy you’ll implement would never take the casino edge, the house would always win. To tilt the balance against the house in your favor, you should use well-tried tactics only! By sharing our tested methods, we will help you become more educated about the best-winning strategies. Read about these effective Craps strategies to find the best one for your play style. Be warned that these tactics are not just lucky number picks and hope, but instead employ ideas like probability and taking advantage of a hot table. These strategies will increase your payout without relying on your lucky socks.
- Place $6.00 on the numbers 6 and 8
- After one hit, ask the dealer to go down one unit on the two numbers
- When a shooter rolls the point hit, ask the Dealer to go down another unit
- After the shooter rolls the point or 7, start the process over
Basically, during the Regress strategy, you wait until the shooter has made his point before you place your bets, with the goal being to make a large profit on the one hit. This works in part due to probability: there are ten ways to make a 6 and 8, but only six ways to make a 7.
Use the “Three Point Molly”
- Place a “pass line” and a “come line” wager
- Back up this wager by placing either single or double odds on both wagers
- When the “come” bets win, place another
- Repeat this until the dealer either rolls a point or a seven
In this strategy, the key is to always have three numbers that are working to your advantage. This multiplies both your payout and your chance of success. Basically, using this strategy, you are protecting your ‘pass line’ bets every time you make a ‘come’ bet. This strategy also takes advantage of a hot roller, making it the best one to use if the table is hot.
Use the “Anything but Seven” Rule:
- Place your bets on 5, 6, and 8
- Ask the dealer to place one bet on the Field
- If the shooter keeps his dice for three rolls, you can double or triple your winnings
- If the shooter throws 2 or 12, then you will earn more
- Remember to remove the wagers after three roles
This strategy is a little more risky, but with a larger payout, it is worth the risk. Removing the wagers after three roles is a necessary precaution when undertaking this bet, though, to not get caught and lose all your winnings. “Anything But seven” also takes advantage of average rolls, since the average rolls throws the dice roughly five times before a 7 is rolled.
Play “68”: 
- Wait for one turn after the shooter makes a point, then make a wager on ‘pass line’ or ‘don’t pass line’
- Wager on both 6 and 8
- After one of the numbers is rolled, tell the dealer to put $22 inside
- On the next hit, ‘take it down’ to 5 and 9
- Wait three more throws before taking the original wagers down
This strategy has the potential to earn you substantial profit with just two hits, and is based on sticking with the above-mentioned numbers exclusively.
Be regressive and be pressing: 
- After the first point, place wagers on 6 and 8
- After the first hit, move some money inside
- At the second hit, remove 5 and 9
- With the third hit, place the 5 and 9 back onto the table
- After the fourth press the wager up
- After the fifth, repeat the process
This method lets you pull the most profit before a seven is rolled, while still having the advantage of being a fairly conservative bet, with a high profit potential. Due to the combination of moderate risk and conservative play style, this method is best to use on a hot, choppy table.